Westland by Josef Seibel
As of July 1, 2020, the family business Josef Seibel started the brand “ WESTLAND by Josef Seibel ”
The collection, consists of all major products with poly-urethane molded-on soles.
The production of all models is carried out in a modern in-house factory of the Josef Seibel group in Hungary, which guarantees quality and delivery times.
Admire the collection
As of now you can purchase the products for your customers through Marcel de Jong. Make an appointment to admire the collection in the renewed stand at CAST or a presentation at home/in store.

General contact information
Addressp/a Buizerdlaan 6 - 3435 SB Nieuwegein
T 06 54758187
E marceldejong@waardijk.nl
Floor plan
We can be found in the showroom(s):